Monday, June 2, 2008

Hillary You've Got To Go

Hillary Clinton you have got to go. You are losing by all measures and you continue to press on.

There is now almost no way that Clinton will receive the democratic nomination for the presidency but blah blah blah she keeps talking and talking about why you should vote for her. If she is nominated that is not democracy. The people have not elected her but she doesn't seem to think that's important. You can't have elites selecting candidates (though some might argue that's the way it is anyway). If she is behind in delegates, states, and popular vote how is it right to select her as the candidate? If that does indeed happen then democracy and freedom is dead. It means your vote counts for nothing and those who "know better" will simply decide for you. Doesn't sound right does it?

Ask yourself this people...Do you want whatever this thing is as your president?

Hillary Clinton you have got to go. You are losing by all measures and you continue to press on.

There is now almost no way that Clinton will receive the democratic nomination for the presidency but blah blah blah she keeps talking and talking about why you should vote for her.

Ask yourself this people...Do you want this as your president?

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