Friday, June 13, 2008

Dudes in London Love Each Other

So you know when people talk about how much Europeans love soccer (or football or futbol, whatever, it's soccer). Well it is outrageously ridiculously true.

Last night I was in a bar (oh sorry again, a pub) and a soccer game was on. It was Germany versus the mighty nation of Croatia. First of all the entire place was PACKED, like shoulder to shoulder can't breath packed, and everyone was glued to the TV. It was quite exciting, I saw a ball go one way and than the other for a while with everyone else stood there...riveting. So eventually one team (Germany I think) scores and the place goes NUTS -- like just won the powerball single ticket nuts. These duded are jumping around hugging each other and almost crying like little girls...I thought they were going to start making out with each other...seriously.

It's amazing how psyched they get over a goal. I guess maybe because it's an entire country's team, but still. is boring.

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