Monday, May 19, 2008

Wii Are Fat

Man how lazy is everyone that we have to be tricked into exercising. Wii Fit comes out this week (maybe today, who knows). For those that don't know, it's a game that lets you do yoga, push ups, jogging and other "fun" exercises. That's right push ups are fun. In the picture above you see kids who are "playing soccer." Why don't they just actually play soccer? Is everyone going to just stay home from now on and virtually do things? It's an interesting game and I can see lots of ways it can be used but even the things that promote being active still locks you inside in front of a TV. I bet a lot of people stop going outdoors and "socialize" with their friends online and compete there.

It's likely that even though this game promotes exercise, we'll still see more kids that end up looking like this:

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