Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dumb stars, spoiled brats and PETA

So apparently a few weeks ago, Lindsay Lohan was at 1OAK in NYC and let with some random broad's fur coat. The coast something like $10,000 - and for that fact alone the owner should be punched in the face. Also, it's May, its not like 10 degrees out. I don't know but isn't a fur coat supposed to provide warmth?

So she got her coat back and is now suing Lindsay Lohan for "damages." Come on now. She sounds like she'll be a great asset to society in the future.

The kicker here is that not PETA has allegedly sent a letter to this woman (I guess her name is Mash Markova) blabbing that you can't own fur because it's animals blah blah blah. F'ing Christ PETA, shut the F up. PETA you are stupid and ridiculous...you probably don't get invited to a lot of parties.

Here's the letter that PETA sent:

To: Masha Markova, c/o Merrill Cohen

Dear Ms. Markova,

We at PETA have read with interest about your distress over Lindsay Lohan supposedly stealing your fur coat. Has it ever occurred to you that neither you nor Lindsay are the rightful owners? That coat belonged to dozens of animals who were electrocuted, gassed, strangled, drowned or beaten to death just so you could try to appear wealthy. Ms. Markova, people who wear fur simply show that having money and style don’t go hand in hand. Please take 5 minutes to watch this video, hosted by former fur wearer Martha Stewart, who had a change of heart about wearing real fur when she saw what the animals go through. Perhaps you, too, will find your conscience and consider donating your fur coat to PETA, as have Mariah Carey, Kim Cattrall, and hundreds of others who don’t want animals to be fashion victims. We give them to the homeless, and you would even receive a tax credit for the donation. We look forward to your reply.

Dan Mathews

*I am not a news source and am only commenting on items that I have seen in the mainstream media. I also don't believe that seals and/or fuzzy animals should be punched in their faces/heads.

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