Friday, May 30, 2008

Mommy Why Is There A Server In The House?

This was shown to me yesterday. If you go to Circuit City's website and browse home servers there's apparently a PDF that they have on the page explaining why having a server at home is good. You can get to the PDF buy clicking HERE and scrolling down.

It's a ridiculous book aimed at children which helps them cope with issues such as other kids making fun of them for having a server at home instead of in an office. Finally someone is helping kids cope with these issues! I highly suggest that you read this. It says things like "When a mommy and daddy love each other very much the daddy wants to give the mommy a special he buys a stay-at-home server" and "Offices are why big people get grumpy and say bad words."

Check out the complete slideshow online HERE (thanks Gizmodo).

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