Monday, July 28, 2008

To Serve and Eject

Well it looks like we get two posts today, because this video I saw is absolutely appalling. Apparently Friday night was an NY Critical Mass bike ride. Well the video below shows a cop running into a bike rider and shoving him off his bike.

This looked completely unprovoked and from the video you can see that no police officers or bystanders were in any danger that would warrant force like that. I can't see any defense that could be used here. The original article goes on to say that the BIKE RIDER was arrested and charged with attempted assault. Now I'm all for police leeway, letting them do what needs to be done for the job and giving them the benefit of the doubt, but this is a blatant abuse of power and things like this should not be tolerated.

Now I don't know the whole story, but from looking at that video, it's my opinion that that cop should be fired and charged with assault. (Update: even if the police were on the lookout for this guy I think they could have handled it differently, unless he was the anti-Christ.)

Original story from Gothamist.

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