Monday, July 7, 2008

The Empire Strike Barack

Haha, I found this pro Barack Obama mashups today. I like The Empire Strike Barack Best, it has the best scenes in it. It's not the best done video, just faces pasted on Star Wars clips, but like I said, it's got some funny quotes in it.

Check it out at about 2:32 for Obama's "dirt off the shoulder" move and at 4:32 to see him drive the lane. I'm surprised that I haven't seen the basketball clip before with some ridiculous headline like "Obama drives to the hoop of change" or something like that.

So if you'd like to see the video here it is (4:59 total):

Also Barack Obama as Rocky: Baracky

In other news, I think I'm going to start making some "John McCain is so old..." jokes, I just haven' t got a good one yet. If you have some Old McCain jokes send them to me HERE.

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