Thursday, June 19, 2008

New Girl Talk Album Out...for $0 or $10 or $100...

The new Girl Talk album is out today. For those that don't know, Girl Talk is a DJ from Pittsburgh who makes original songs out of an endless number of samples. The samples are cut into tiny pieces of the song and sometimes last only seconds. Good stuff, and original too.

Following previous artists who have given away new albums for "whatever you want," the new album, titled Feed The Animals, was released today and it's up to you to decide what you want to pay for it. That deal seemed to work for Radiohead. Though the fact that they are Radiohead probably helped...even though they are drastically overrated.

I enjoyed the previous album Night Ripper so I hope this one is decent. I'm loading it to my iPod as I write this. Can you guess how much I paid for it?

You can get the album HERE.

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