Drunk plant is probably one of the funniest videos ever. Watch it -- you can fast forward to about 40seconds in to start. Nothing better than a drunk, sunglasses wearing, guitar playing plant.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Brobee Song
I have no idea what this is. Apparently "Brobee" is some kind of kids show or character or something. What's important here is that you watch this video RIGHT NOW. Don't drink anything with watching your you WILL SPIT IT OUT do to hilarity. It's a "Brobee Party In My Tummy Remix" I have no idea what it is, just watch it.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Slovin and Allen
Watch this ridiculous "time machine" skit from Slovin and Allen. It is filled with pure hilarity.
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Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Truth About Sarah Palins Speech
Jim Kuhnhenn of the AP wrote a "fact checking" artcile on the statements made during Sarah Palin's and others speeched at the GOP convention. It's a rather interesting read when you cut through the rhetoric.
What Is This Thing?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Sexiest Female Forms of the Summer Olympics
So a list of the 50 hottest female Olympians was compiled by some website called WebTVHub. The actual list is titled "The Sexiest Female Forms of the Summer Olympics." I guess we should have seen this coming. What I find funny is that it's from a random website (random to me at least) and not Maxim of FHM or something. You can view the entire list HERE.
Now I'm going to keep most of my comments to myself because, well, just look at the list. But I will say that I do like the pic of Katerina Emmons of the Czech Republic holding a rifle (I guess that is her sport), that's hot.
I also found THIS, The 26 Hottest US Olympic Women (I guess of all time). I have no idea who created this one, but I found it on CampusSqueeze.com.